Merbau is recognised as one of the most versatile hardwood products in the world. Merbau’s strength and durability and natural resistance to termites make it ideal for construction and engineering applications.

Merbau is also widely used in the manufacture of furniture, joinery and flooring.

Deep red in colour, it is perfect for internal applications, bringing depth and warmth to any setting. Botanical Name: Intsia Bijuga; Intsia palembanica

Other Common Names: Go-nuoc (Viet Nam); Ipil, Ipil laut (Pl); Kwila (Papua New Guinea); Moluccan iron-wood (United Kingdom); Mirabow (United Kingdom, USA); Inzia (ltaly); Moluks ijzerhou (NI); Merbau (France, Germany, Italia, NI, Spain, Sweden).


ColourGolden-Brown, Red Brown to Blood Red
GrainStraight or slightly interlocked
Structural RatingsF27 (KD machined select) & F22 (Air Dried machined select)
Hardness8.6kN (seasoned) & 7.6kN (unseasoned)
Termite ResistanceResistant
Shrinkage to 12% MC2.6% (tangential) 1.2% (radial)
Durability above groundClass 1 - Life expectancy over 40 years
Durability in groundClass 3 - Life expectancy 5 to 15 years
Working propertiesSawing/Machining; Sawing is difficult as wood clogs saw teeth and dulls
cutting edges; carbide tooling recommended. Sanding: Sands satisfactorily.
Nailing: Good holding ability.
Finishing: Wood stains black in contact with ferrous metals or moisture.
UsesFlooring, furniture, panelling, fine joinery, decorative turnery, cabinetmaking,
musical instruments, and specialty items.